Our company HP World Wellness was founded in 2022 with a vision to bring new international standards of training and delivery of Ayurvedic practices. In recent years Ayurveda has been getting prominent recognition on a global scale. Its deep-rooted philosophy of keeping the body and mind in balance, creating perfect health and attaining a state of inner freedom (nirvana) has attracted people from all walks of life worldwide.
Ayurveda is a part of the ancient Vedic heritage of India. Centuries ago, it was at its highest glory and part of the Indian way of life for thousands of years. However, during the past 8 centuries, it suffered a serious blow causing a decline during the Mogul invasion and British colonial rule. The knowledge of Ayurveda had been practically lost and only a handful of people have maintained the original knowledge in its purity.
The escalating health care costs associated with many harmful side effects of modern medicine has spurred intense activity worldwide seeking alternatives to modern health care. This has caused India to remember its hidden potential that has been lost due to the long lapse of time.
Opportunities in the Hp World Wellness industry and proper positioning of Ayurveda has become an urgent necessity.
Here at Hp World Wellness Private Limited, we have perfected our products for therapists, developed systems and processes which have given us recognition from the Ayurvedic Hp World Wellness community.
Our overall business attitude is shaped by our overall value care. The people of Hp World Wellness understand that, on the long time run, success in business can only be achieved, if a company takes adequate care of product quality, prices and the customers.